Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama Day

The excitement is palpable. Everyone here is proud of President-elect Obama, a "son of their soil."

Today has been declared a national holiday by Kenya's president and everyone given the day off. Lydia and I plan to go to the "Obama Cup" to watch our friend play soccer.

While people around the world are rejoicing and praising Americans for electing their first African American president, my pride rests in a different aspect of our democracy - the fact that when you lose the race you accept it and congratulate the winner. In conversations I've had and news clips I've seen, Kenyans have acknowledged Senator McCain's graceful concession, despite not all the votes not being counted. This seems unfathomable to most Africans and especially Kenyans considering their recent election experience. This is an example I hope is repeated in the future here in Africa.

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