Monday, November 24, 2008

Abandoned child

Right now the future of a child is being determined.  

As Lydia and I ate dinner tonight we received a call from a bachelor friend of ours that lives nearby.  He was holding a baby who had been abandoned at the gate of his apartment and wasn't sure what to do.  The mother had brought the baby in from their rural village and tried to get the dad to take the child.  He refused and the mom walked off leaving the child.  Apparently, he waddled after his mom attempting to somehow to catch her across the busy street.  Thankfully, the guard at our friend's apartment was there and scooped him up just before he reached traffic.  The guard then watched the 18 month old child until my friend came home from work.  

After the call we ran over with some supplies to help bathe the baby and figure things out.  I can only imagine how scary it must have been for the baby to awake to us white people (Kenyan babies tend to be frightened by us) and without his mother around.  As he woke up he said "mama" twice and then didn't say anything else or cry.  His stomach was bloated.  Probably caused by worms and a mix of other problems. 

After he was cleaned up, Lydia dressed him in clean clothes we had brought.  His mom had left a dirty grocery bag of filthy clothes for him.

Right now, he is sleeping soundly at our friend's house.  Tomorrow, he will be taken to an orphanage that Lydia has volunteered at and has found to be a good place for kids.  To be honest, I just wanted to take the child home.  Still want to. 

Please pray for this child.  I don't know what the prayer should be...maybe that humans, whether the police, parents, relatives, would place as much value on this child as God does. That his precious little life would somehow be filled with love and acceptance even though today was a day of abandonment.    

Here is a picture of the Lydia and the baby...


Anonymous said...

God bless you guys...
Great work!
We miss you and will pray for you.

Expat Teacher said...

Wow! What an amazing (and sad) story. I'm praying for you guys.

Jesse said...

I would suggest prayer for the parents as well. Though they seem like villains of the story, it is difficult for us to imagine such desperate circumstances that would lead to the abandonment of a child.

Thank you for sharing a touching piece of your lives. I will be praying for you.