Tuesday, September 9

Thursday and Friday
Apartment shopping proved fruitful when we found a place central to where Lydia and I will be working. It is close to a Nakumatt (Walmart type store), cinema, and Java House (tasty, affordable Western food). We almost feel guilty by how fortunate we are to be in such a nice, clean apartment, but then we realize it is a blessing from God and a refuge for us in this crazy city.
Again on Monday, the Kenya PW guys traveled to the rural areas surrounding Nairobi. They introduced me to the leaders of the business groups I'll be working with for the next year. That night, my good friend Michael and his sister flew into Nairobi. They have friends here, but fortunately they are staying with us. Great to have a friends visit so soon. We hope more come ;-)
On Tuesday, Michael and I drove around and picked up furniture all day. We then hauled it up four flights of stairs. Coincidentally, Michael helped Lydia and I move out of our apartment in Washington, D.C. a month and a half ago. It feels good to begin settling down after living out of suitcase for that long. It will feel even better once we figure out how to get warm water for the shower.